Cucumber Salad


Cucumbers aren’t just for pickling or to be tossed in a salad in an unimportant fashion. The lowly cucumber has a salad all its’ own and worth bragging about.  I do not remember a summer that this wasn’t on the table.  Grandmama had a yellow kitchen table-one of those chrome ones that are considered fancy now .  The cucumber salad had every bit the importance of the salt and pepper on that table-it does go with everything. Here is the very simple recipe-


Wash and remove most of the skin from the cucumbers, then slice them as thin as you can.  Chop a tomato in small pieces and add to the cucumbers. Stir in mayonnaise as you desire, but it ought to almost coat the mixture.  Season with garlic, salt and pepper.

Sometimes, radishes were added, thinly sliced.  I really like this combination.  You can also add onion-I like that too.  I have used dill.  My friend, Jo Dee says her mom added celery seed.  The lowly cucumber makes the salad, whatever you decide.  Remember that it will be better if you share it !


*from “The green Grass Grows”

25 thoughts on “Cucumber Salad

  1. This really sounds good and I will have to try it! I always keep forgetting to tell you how much I love your graphics on your blog. They remind me of the pictures in the books I used to read to my boys when they were small. I loved them then and still do!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. oh thank you! I am as old fashion as it gets and I love them too-not long ago I about decided to quit looking so juvenile and unprofessional-you know what? I decided the whimsy did belong in the rabbit patch! Thank you and that salad is good with bacon bits-like everything else! Haha!

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