When Petals Fill the Air


Today, outside the window,  just floating in the air.

I saw a “flock of  dainty wings” , and went to see them there.

I thought to write a poem about pink butterflies-

but when I went to take a look, I got a sweet surprise.

For it was a “flock of petals” flying in the breeze,

that surely came unfastened, from a grove of cherry trees!

The air got still and all the petals rained upon the grass.

Where they fell, I saw some violets, I may otherwise, have passed.

I will not rush in springtime, when the days are mild and fair-

For violets bloom in springtime, and “petals fill the air”.

27 thoughts on “When Petals Fill the Air

  1. Michele, this is beautiful… We’re about in the same period here in France so I’ve seen similar flocks! love, Love! LOVE this poem today… Brought a heart-warming smile to my face. ❤️

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