When the Woods are Golden


Dear Diary,  Tuesday was lovely.

Not every day is  full of lovely things-but today was.  It is true this year, at least, that “March does go out like a lamb”.  On days like this one, it ought to be a sin to be inside.  I took full advantage of every chance I got, to stand in the sunlight.  It is on account of that I saw the blossoms in the wind and the violets growing beneath them.

Driving home from work, I noticed my beloved winter wheat fields in all their glory.  I do not think anyone could argue, if they were in the midst of winter wheat in March.  

Not long after I arrived at the rabbit patch, it started to sprinkle little silver drops.  I decided to make soup, as I am only prone to make soup in frightful weather.  The occasion of a cool rain warranted  soup and I so I put together a hearty tomato soup with  plenty of basil.  I baked a loaf of bread and while the soup simmered and the bread was rising,  I  called my friend, Jo Dee.  We were having a pleasant conversation and the rain became heavy.  The sun was shining faintly throughout the thundering.  Though Jo Dee doesn’t live so far from the rabbit patch, there wasn’t a cloud in sight at her house.  The rain was quick to pass and that is when I saw the rainbow.  Jo Dee was in mid sentence about something when I abruptly ended the call, for, I told her, “the most beautiful rainbow, I have ever seen!”  I called Kyle and Christian.  They came running, expecting to fight fire, so they were relieved it was all because of the rainbow.  They hushed any complaints, when they saw it.  The sky was dark blue and maybe that is why the rainbow was so vibrant.  The colors were distinct and bright.  No other rainbow, I had seen before, compared to this one. 

It did not phase Jo Dee, that I hung up on her.  She is used to my behavior when I see something beautiful.  She herself, has been known to brake, while driving, at the sight of a cardinal in a pear tree.

Dear Diary, I love everything!

In contrast to yesterday, today was overcast.  As I feared, the dogwoods are blooming and with Easter weeks away!  The fairy roses of the spireas  have come and gone, so now it is up to the azaleas for Easter Sunday to look at all familiar.  I noticed that the jasmine is blooming.  Woodland trees wear crowns or garlands of the bright sweet smelling flowers.  The jasmine flowers seemed to light up the woods on this “silver” day.   No matter which tree the vines clamber upon-oaks, pine or the lowly sweetgum, the tendrils with golden blossoms  show no favoritism. My friend, Julie loves the smell of Jasmine, and I always think of her when the jasmine blooms.

I love every season.  With the arrival of each season, I declare it my favorite.  I do not intend to be fickle, but I am enamored by all sorts of occurrences throughout the year.  I love snow and I love tulips.  I love summer mornings.  I love roses and autumn leaves.  I really love Thanksgiving,  and I really  love Christmas – and now, today,  when the woods are golden, I remember . . .  Dear Diary, I love Jasmine, too.

36 thoughts on “When the Woods are Golden

  1. I’ve decided the Rabbit Patch is a place of calm and healing for me. While I’m waiting for your post to come up, a peacefulness steals over me. The world slows down a bit as I enjoy one of your family stories or poetical praise of the seasons. It’s an oasis in a day.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Beautiful post. So glad you were blessed with the sight of a perfect, gorgeous rainbow. Ah – Nature – it excites the soul and brings peace and beauty to one’s heart and mind. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It is nice to have a friend like you. I wish I had your talent for writing. You have a way of capturing an audience and holding their attention. Love reading your posts. Have a happy day. 🙂

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  3. As I stand every morning in my woodland garden, I thank God for the breezes, the birdsong and the newly sprung flowers. I stand in my bright red bathrobe( to be sure my neighbors see the unpresentable me) with my wee Pipp quietly beside me. She seems to sense also, all the wonder of Spring. It’s lovely, isn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Since a child, I’ve always thought of Rainbows as Gods footprint. I can remember telling my Grandma, when I was knee high to an ant, that she should come and look …. “God’s walked past and He left a trail behind him!”

    I remember my Grandma eventually working out that I meant a trail of footprints. She thought at first I meant something like a snail trail …. LOLOLOL
    Fabulous post Rabbit. ~ Cobs. x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It is so wonderful to cross paths with someone who truly loves life. How refreshing that you know the simple things in life are the most treasured Gifts. Soup, bread, a rainbow, a wheat field, jasmine. Glorious feeling, so heady at that to be in love with life. I absolutely LOVED reading this post. Thank you! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

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