When the Elderberry Blooms


This week at the rabbit patch, passed swiftly and full of details.  Our annual spring dance performance happened last night.  I do not get to say this often, but I have danced every day of the week, lately.  Supper was from a crock pot several days and Kyle brought chicken home one night.  All week, I slept soundly, which gets me to thinking of the many benefits of physical activity.

The event, normally takes place outside.  Most days were beautiful and I was glad to be outside.  The  stately magnolias on campus and the wild honeysuckle, along the edge of the woods, are blooming.  While waiting their turn to dance, little girls made clover chains and I wore a necklace of them, most every day.   Little boys presented “good sticks” they found and a fair share of bugs.  It was a lovely time.  On Thursday night, the rain came.  The chill in the air warranted a jacket on Friday morning.  I surveyed the campus and called our administration to tell them there was a puddle right by the area where the children were dancing.  They asked about the size of it and I told them in the best way I could describe, “that it would hold three large pigs.”  We moved the performance to the gym, on account of that.

Jenny, Lyla and Mama attended.  Jenny was impressed and Mama praised my work.  Lyla was not impressed in the least.  She was not understanding why her very own “Honeybee”  was putting attention elsewhere.  Several times, I announced the next performance with Lyla on my hip.  If I put her down, she ran for the drums .  Several times, I handed her off to whoever was standing next to me. Still the children danced their folk dances and we were all proud of them.  Jenny said Lyla was asleep  before they were out of the parking lot.

Now, Saturday morning has dawned cool and overcast, and the only  current details revolve around Sunday Dinner. I could not commit to any menu, til now.  In between, the dances, words like “potato salad” would pop in my thoughts.  Now, on this cool quiet morning,  I have a plan and will not need to enter a grocery store and shop desperately.  I will make potato salad, as it turns out.  

Now that, I have the menu for the Mothers’ Day dinner,  I can think about this last week at the rabbit patch.  The elderberry has bloomed. I have a great affection for the flowers of the elderberry.  They are flat lacy flowers that make the night air smell heavenly.  There are plenty of them in the young patch of woods on the rabbit patch.  When the elderberry blooms, the whippoorwills  sing.  I have heard them this week.  The whippoorwill sings in the evening.  This habit, seems to make their song a lonesome one.  I love the sound of the whippoorwill , but  I may become overly nostalgic and lonesome for every thing beautiful that has  ever passed from me, if I listen too long.   My friend, Julie says that springs makes all of us nostalgic , and I have found her to be right on most subjects.

Thank Goodness, for the “Bob White”.  He sings when the elderberry blooms, as well.  I remember my daddy teaching me to identify the bird that sings his name.  “Bob Whites”  sing their name out, like they are glad about things in general.  Their song is easy to mimic and they always answer for as long as you call to them.  I have never been able to whistle, but the “Bob Whites” of my childhood did not mind, and answered me anyway.  I am as likely to call out to one now, as I was a long time ago.

Dear Diary,  Every day in May seems to bear witness to lovely things-things like whippoorwills and Bob Whites-children dancing in sunshine and presenting jewelry made with clovers  and the “best sticks”  . . . and it all happens  in May  . . .when  the elderberry booms .

24 thoughts on “When the Elderberry Blooms

  1. Ma’am,
    I love reading every word of your poetic posts. The words seem to flow out of a lyricist or a bard and I can almost hear you sing the words of your post. The beauty that you perceive in your surroundings and the simple joys of your life that fill your heart with gladness, make us want to come join you in your rabbit patch. Would you post pictures of your elderberry blossoms too so we readers and share in your pleasure ? Do you make elderberry wine – I have heard of this.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you sweet Susie-your words have made my day-do you realize what a gift you give-I hope so. I do not make elderberry wine but I sure have heard lots about it! I will try to get pics today. thank you my sweet friend. xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I so loved your description of that puddle and what a joy to dance every day this week. My elder is about to unfurl it’s flowers here too. I shall make some cordial though it does not keep for long. Have a great week.😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your writing is truly beautiful. I almost felt like I was there on your Rabbit patch, at the dance! Your description sets the scene so well. After reading this post I came to visit your blog page to have another look around 🙂 Thank you for sharing such stunning writing. Enjoy the end of spring, and I hope your potato salad was yummy 🙂
    – Carly

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love all of this and yes…Elderberry’s make the best jelly, syrup and wine( if you are turned that way). And the night birds….what a wonderful way to end a perfect day. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I wish I could have seen their faces when you said the puddle could hold three large pigs. It sounds like your program was a great success, and now you can concentrate on Mother’s Day Dinner.

    I had forgotten about quails. We heard them occasionally on densely populated Long Island. I have not heard a one in rural North Carolina! I often sit by an open door, and I identify lots of other birds. Where are our quails????

    I don’t know that I’ve ever seen an elderberry flower. I wonder if they grow here.

    Wish we could have seen you adorned with clover jewelry.

    Thanks for another marvelous post with your special magic.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The french make a liquor known as St. Germain from elderberry flowers. It tastes something like ripe peaches with a little kick. I keep a bottle to add to san pellegrino and frozen cherries for a summer cooler and it helps out a lot when I am getting a sore throat. I love the elder berry flowers too. I have one right next to the deck blooming right now. Such a lovely little post, as always!

    Liked by 1 person

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