In Idle Hours


Sometimes, there are idle hours at the rabbit patch-I make certain of it.  “Idle” doesn’t always mean time without purpose, sometimes it means frivolous or easy.   That thought best suits what I am calling idle hours.  I read books and poetry in idle hours or I write.  I watch clouds and make pictures out of them, like I did when I was six.  I think of my dreams, the night before and I have no shame in this.

Mostly, I am at the morning table, with the morning window by it, during idle hours.  Last night, I sat in moon shine and read.  I rose early this morning and watched the light change while I drank coffee-where the moonshine had fallen last night.  I took the time to feel glad about something that had happened yesterday.  I read something nice and said a prayer.  Such things are of great comfort to me and the thing is, I have come to depend on having some time at the morning table .  

When I came home yesterday, the fields around the rabbit patch were bare.  A group of about a dozen farmers were standing by combines and pick-up trucks, in what had been a cornfield, that same morning.   Two huge grain trucks were bumping full of bright yellow corn and I guess the men were  wondering what they would get for it and deciding the best place to carry it.  It was a familiar sight for me.  I have great respect for farmers.    As long as a farmer can, he still works.   Grandsons ride them around in old trucks and ask for advice about the crops, when the farmer can barely stand. When it snows at the rabbit patch, it is the farmers that clear the road-likewise, fallen trees.   No matter how many “lofty notions” a person may have about himself, it is a farmer that feeds him.

I saw a small flock of birds flying yesterday.  They were swooping and swirling and so I watched them a while. It was quite spectacular.  They moved like they were one, instead of twenty.  Blackbirds are  too common to be considered anything but ordinary -until you see them flying.  That can change your mind  about them in a few short minutes,  though you are liable to stay longer. 

  I went out tonight, as is my habit.  The sky was covered in clouds so thick that I could only see Venus, but I made a wish anyway.  I smelled the damp leaves, for the first time this year and I heard a whippoorwill  singing.  The moon was rising over the bare field behind the old barn .  I don’t know if I was there ten minutes or ten years as  an idle hour does not pass in the same fashion as the way of clocks  that hang on walls. . .but instead is measured by things like standing  in moon shine. . . . or blackbirds flying.

19 thoughts on “In Idle Hours

  1. We have been hearing the sound of tractors and the hum of silage chopping equipment. The farmers here are trying to catch up after the last couple days of rain. I think with the large equipment most of them have it should not take them long.
    Blackbirds are so amazing to watch. This time of year they are all grouping up into flocks that look like a big black cloud in the sky. We have often marveled at how they seem to do synchronized flying.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. My first visit to the Rabbit Patch, and I feel at home.
    I’ve loved (and labored) over “The Ark”, The Engleville Tick Ranch, for 31 years now. After 25 years, the barn had fallen, at 30, the outhouse roof collapsed.
    The Ark itself shares chilly Januaries and open-window Septembers with the Rabbit Patch, the dirt floor of the cellar adds its unique scent when the door is opened to (constantly) service the water holding tank.
    She’s missing some paint, and even a couple floor boards from the side porch. As we age together, I wonder when I will be overwhelmed (or perhaps I am already), and I’m torn between finding someone who will love this old thing as much as I do… or staying until we both fall.
    I’m leaning towards the latter.

    Thanks for all your sharing, and fine quality writing.

    Seek peace,


    Liked by 1 person

    1. we have A LOT in common! I am in the exact place you are. I am older and my kids are grown, so I am expecting to down size. I am finally ok with that. I am so glad you visited and will visit your site today-and you ARE at home on the rabbit patch, always!


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