Before Such Things Happened

Lo and behold!  I am writing this entry from the little rabbitpatch on Bonnet Street! Maybe next time, I will even have a picture of my small town dwelling, to prove it.  The internet was connected yesterday and it even rained this morning -my favorite kind of morning to write.  What used to be so familiar, now seems like a rare and precious gem, to me.  We also now have natural gas -which means that we have heat and can cook on a stove.   During the time, I waited for such things, a lot happened.  First, the rental house got put in order.  I met several neighbors, all delightful people.  One neighbor, in particular resulted in a “reunion”! 
 Miss Linda was friendly and helpful as soon as she saw me working feverishly to bring beauty and honor to the long neglected property.  We chatted a little briefly most days.  One day, we took the time to have a real conversation.  I asked her where she was from and as her story unfolded, certain names and circumstances lept out at me til at last, I blurted out “What is your last name?”  When she told me, tears sprang to my eyes and again I shouted out, “Do you know who I am!?”   As it turns out, we were neighbors, decades ago, when my children were little!  I used to weave baskets for a shop she had and she was the one that gave my Jenny, the doll that Jenny always loved best, the  endearing, “Lady Jane”- (which was a black rabbit in a calico dress).  We both laughed and cried all at once.  Thirty years had passed, but on that day, it seemed like it was only a short, while ago that we were friends and also neighbors. 
Miss Linda has a food station in her yard, for anyone that needs to use it.  Of course, I am glad for that and eager to help out.  I have already heard of two cases that are just heartbreaking.  Neither person had created the circumstances they are now in.  Many folks dismiss the homeless believing always, that the poor are responsible for their destiny.  I have heard all of the arguments that some folks prefer to live roaming about, or that they are dishonest  and  simply take advantage of tender hearted fools.  Let me be very clear . . .I don’t care why or how someone ended up needing food.  I do not care if someone lies about their needs.  That is not my business.  My business is my response.   I have never been a good judge and have been as wrong as can be, often, besides.  Therefore, the little food station keeps me humble and what joy it is to see, a small child grab something and run excitedly to show an elderly driver, what they found.  If just one person,  out of a hundred is helped . . to me that is enough.
I read a lot during “the time before such things”  .  I fell in to a routine of my job, then household tasks and supper and finally reading til my bedtime. Reading from a screen just does not have the same effect as reading from a book, for me.  I was careful to select titles that were well written, with language chosen carefully-and artfully. I realised early on just how much interruptions of concentration have become so very normal and certainly had impacted my own ability to just think long and hard about something.  Reading at night was like a long and tranquil meditation.  Oh, I must be kind to myself and continue this practice! 
 In some way, I had another reunion with an old friend. 
In the early mornings, I spend time on the porch -and again in the twilight time.  In town, folks walk their dogs-something never seen in the rural community, that I came from. The boxer watches with me.  He knows how to walk on a leash, for we trained him when he was young to do so, just in case.  He does not pull or snatch a bit and sits automatically, if we stop walking.  It is obvious, that I take pride in that loyal dog.  Folks being pulled and twisted by their dog , often admire his stellar manners . . they should meet the cat. 
At least “Christopher Robin”  is still accounted for and even joins me on the porch, but he has been naughty, since the move to town and one day I threw an outright fit with him.  The noble boxer, can barely handle a stern look, but the cat couldn’t care less about a scolding or my grim expressions, and is liable to ask for cream in the midst  of our argument!   It is a wonder to me, that we all adore him and are always there to serve him. 
 I went to Raleigh over the weekend.  Ryan and I took a walk on a golden day under an azure sky. The trees were at the peak of their glory, and how lovely it was, to see. There was enough wind to rattle the trees and loosen their colorful leaves.  We watched the dancing leaves.  Ryan said “They can fly!” Cirrus clouds dotted the  top of our world, that day.  That is when  Ryan said “the clouds are broken!”  He remains a mild natured child and so bright, too.  He is a very small little cherub and easy to dote on.
Now, on the home front, the old farmhouse has a steady flow of prospective buyers.  I do not worry myself about it, as I did.  There have been too many things to worry about the past two years and frankly, worry is tiresome and does not bear fruit, that I want to eat.  For all I know, I might be moving back in months . . .or maybe not.  Somehow, some way, I have become use to this state of quandary.  I do not have a magic wand or a “kings’ ransom” or a crystal ball, therefore it may seem that I am “empty handed” . . . but I know different.  I feel different about life in general and it is  because of the past two years. . .Dare I say I have  a new sense of   “peace”?  And,  isn’t that the last thing you would expect? 
Me too

23 thoughts on “Before Such Things Happened

  1. So many ups and downs for you with the house. You surely have earned your peace. Also, I was struck by your wonderful compassion for those who are poor or homeless or both. Bottom line: They need food and, perhaps, shelter. All human beings, no matter what, deserve these things, as well as clean water and clean air. Finally, I love how the rabbit in the calico dress was grandly named Lady Jane.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. My dear Laurie THANK YOU for your support and encouragement, even when I couldn’t respond to a single one for a long while. It means so much to know you and feel so cared for. You are so inspiring. Oh goodness, recycling here is so limited-ugh! x Michele

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  2. No dear I wouldn’t be surprised at all. Peace comes from our Heavenly Father and you my dear are certainly on of his most special children.That’s why I love hearing from you..
    ps. I know…I said I woiuld call and I will…soon as I get off of these rabbit trails I keep following. lol
    No wonder I can’t get much done of importance. Too many distractions,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My beloved Beverly-How pleasant I feel hearing from you. I missed you terribly and thought of you many times-always hoping all was well with you. Knowing you is a bright spot for me. Thank you for you steadfast friendship. love Michele . . or “Rabbit”

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  3. Blessings sometimes come from unexpected places. Who could Imagine you’d be reunited with a long lost neighbor and friend in this new place? Trust God will land you on your feet. Hang in there. 🙂
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. ❤

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  4. I’m glad you’ve settled in to your new rental house and are enjoying it! And I do believe the old rabbit patch will sell the right buyer…I’m glad you’ve found peace with that. Things will work out, one way or another, and worry is just a waste of energy!

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  5. I love that you bring ‘beauty and honor’ to your home on Bonnet Street, Michele. What a beautiful concept and intention. It resonates deeply with me. And I am so happy that you and your long lost friend have been reunited and are once again working together on a project which cares for others xxx

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  6. What stands out the most is your serenity in uncertainty, to give God His time to do things His way. I’m waiting for the flowers you might plant, even perhaps a tree! I’m wont to believe that every house longs for flowers and tree-friends. Yes, we can never be sure of the road ahead and where it will twist or bend, but being busy in the moment is the best way to move forwards, I think. And you have that down to an art, Michele. Looking forwards to hearing more.


  7. I have been catching up on you Michele! I am so glad you found a connection in your new location. I had no doubt you would find friends wheverever you go. You are a woman who attracts wonderful people. I am looking forward to reading of your new adventures while you make this “home”.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. You definitely have a new sense of peace, Michele. It has been a long time coming, and the move (which I believe was meant to be), has been instrumental in your next phase of life. It is really wonderful!!


  9. Bonnet Street and the gems that have already been found! A rekindled friendship so beautifully told! I loved every aspect of your writing with all that was mentioned, the garden;for those in need, no matter their reason! The front porch sitting too! Someone will absolutely love the Rabbit Patch, I await hearing all about your new journey! 🤗

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