April is the Time to Wander


In April, when the world is splendored,

when trees and flowers bloom unhindered-

for the danger of frost, has finally past,

and little violets abide with grass-

I vow , my time I will not squander . . .

And April is the time to wander.

I think to traipse, the whole world over,

with hope to find a patch of clover,

or to look for a wild and fragrant vine,

or  to spy a redbird in a pine,

implores the heart, to pause and pray,

for the beauty of an April day.

Hence, I promise, not to waste.

a moment in April with rushing and haste.

Instead, I’ll stroll by field and wood,

and see  April  declare that God is good.


18 thoughts on “April is the Time to Wander

      1. I am on Spring Break from work but not school but at least that frees me up some, hallelujah! Could I meet you and Lyla one day and we can do some exploring? I’d love to take you to my favorite EC wandering place. 🙂

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