“To a Wild Rose”


April has a reputation as a beautiful month, and so far she has been living up to it!  Every day of spring break has been lovely.  A few showers in the early morning have left the air clean and fragrant.  Otherwise, the sunshine abides in the day, and the stars at night.  I think days, come and go in the lovliest way. We have a sunrise to inspire hope, and a sunset to inspire gratitude, for what has transpired in the course of the day.

I am in Elizabeth City for a few days, another rabbit patch . ( Chances are if you live in rural North Carolina, you live on a rabbit patch.) Elizabeth City is full of rabbits.  I noticed this when I first began strolling with Lyla, now two years ago. (It was one of the reasons, I named the diary “Rabbit Patch”).   There were rabbits in the yards, in the ditches and even in the  quaint and quiet streets.  These rabbits are much more friendly than their country cousins.  They are not as skittish and allow Lyla a close observation.  We saw some yesterday in a bed of clover at twilight.

Yesterday was full of all sorts of sweet moments.  Lyla and I did not take to wandering about til later in the afternoon. We used a new “stroller” from Aunt B, who I am now convinced gives wonderful presents.  It is a tricycle  with a handle for pushing. Lyla pedals along and seems to feel very important, as she does so.  We quickly encountered some robins taking a bath in a puddle.  Their splashing and fluttering in the water was quite amusing to Lyla.  A crow flew down from a crepe myrtle to join them.  Lyla has learned to be still and quiet when watching birds and critters, but the crow,  almost made her laugh aloud as he squawked  and carried on so.  She covered her mouth with her little hand and looked at me with a merry expression that showed up in her eyes.

On the next block, we walked by a mock orange in full bloom.  As is my habit, I  smelled the blossoms and found the scent heavenly.  It was a most pleasant floral and citrus blend.   The blossoms are not so spectacular, but the bush was heavy laden with them and it was a pretty sight.    I love the mock orange and now Lyla does too.  

Squirrels were scampering out  and about and all seemed to have an agenda.  We watched several and all of them were every bit as friendly as the rabbits.  One fellow was hastily digging and was too intent to mind us watching.  He dug as if it was the last pecan in the world to be found.  

The sweet smell of freshly cut grass was all around us.  Clover blossoms mingled with it and made me want to breathe deeply as we strolled.  As usual , we ended up at the river.  We sat quietly and listened to the laughing sound, made by the gentle  waves.  I do not think great thoughts when we sit on the banks of the Pasquotank.  I don’t entertain notions, and if there are any problems to solve, I just don’t remember them.  Lyla follows suit, and just stares at the water like it is telling her secrets-and maybe it is.  I never know how long we have been in this state as the laughing river does not honor a measurement of time.  At some point the  sound of noisy seagulls or a barking dog breaks the spell and we hid for home.

On the way home, yesterday, a neighbor was working in his yard and invited me to see a wild rose that had surprised him, by planting itself  in his yard.  The color was a cheerful fuschia and several large roses were in plain sight with many buds-all weighing the branches down, in their abundance.  The neighbor wanted me to smell the roses and so I happily obliged.  It was maybe the sweetest rose I had ever come across.

There are so many ways to live a life.  I think of this often.  Cities and corporate ladders suit many.  Travel to exotic lands suits others.  The ways to spend a life are varied  so that every one can be content, I think.  For me, watching birds in a puddle and listening to a laughing river was a day well spent. . . and a moment with a wild rose is a lovely and tender moment, and  Dear Diary, I was glad I passed  that way.

41 thoughts on ““To a Wild Rose”

  1. I was with you and Lyla on that stroll. Sounds like so many walks I have taken over the years with my Daughter and my Granddaughter. Your words flow like the babbling stream – which is always nice to watch and become hypnotized by – as if you were in a trance. Wonderful, wonderful post. I had not thought of the mock orange for years. My in-laws had one in their yard and I remember that lovely fragrance. Country living is my choice of how to live a wonderful life. Happy Day to you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. How eloquent and evocative! I felt like I was on that leisurely stroll with you, like a little oasis from the busyness of the day. Thanks for helping us stop and smell the roses!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This was a marvelous post, serene and thankful. I got hung up in the mock orange tree. The only one I knew was in my grandparents’ yard, and I know I’d recognize the smell if I found it again. Thinking of that tree opened a basket of loving memories.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I meant wreck diving. That’s how they call it. diving to find the wreck, sunken war ships or any ships or boats. They (he and our marine guys) found one, and we went to the diver shop and bought a poster of the ship that they found! Thank you for asking clarification.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That was the deepest dive my husband had – 220 feet. After that, he said, I got my thrill and my share. He never dive again. He dived in Great Barrier Reef, Key West, NC, Hawaii and somewhere on CA coast. He had his fun! At NC, one guy dived too deep, he had to decompress for quite a while before got back to the boat!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Rabbit Patch, 🙂
    This is so lovely! It has been cold here, so we are JUST now getting a few flowers, a few daffodils and tulips peeking their shy heads up. My son picked me two delicate purple violets and two bloodroot blossoms yesterday afternoon. The dandelions are coming back also. I was surprised on my walk yesterday by the green haze on the trees as the buds FINALLY show themselves. I just was out last week with the children and it was barren. That is so lovely that you are taking your granddaughter on nature walks! Bless your weekend. ❤ Amy

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love your outlook in life.
    I have great respect for people who value simple things in life and have deeper conviction of finding their happiness by the choices they make on how to live their life.
    For me, yes the place does matters, so as the soul.
    Thank you for sharing a worthy blogpost.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I don’t know how I have missed your posts…I was following but something happened so I’m glad to be back. I love your writing. i think you should write children’s books based on your wanderings with Lyla. Maybe you do? I also love your thought about how there are many ways to live life…so simple yet so profound! Thanks for sharing your lovely little world with us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. oh-I am so glad you are back! Welcome-and your comment just filled my heart with goodness. My dream is to publish one day-and I have thought about childrens’ books! Oh send me best wishes. I want to you to read my post today. You will understand why-your post gave me the courage to write it. xx thnk you so much!

      Liked by 1 person

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