Happy Birthday, Uncle Randy-and to Me too!


April has been a mostly cold month-the early service, on this day is proof of that.  The farmhouse is chilly and there are little patches of frost, on the territory, but the songbirds sing anyway.  There have been just enough mild days, to declare it is spring . . . and the dogwoods are still blooming.  The first rose of the season has bloomed and I saw a fire fly, just the other night,  There is the pollen too, which makes us all sneeze ,  Sometimes, great clouds of it appear when the wind blows through the pines.  Certainly, it is spring, but warmth has been scarce.

The past week, was a busy one and passed with great speed, til now, suddenly, it is Saturday.  I am especially busy at work, as we are working on the dances, classes will perform at our annual celebration in May.  Each class performs a folk dance from the country they have studied throughout the year.  This not a small work.  I am also putting the house back on the market, which requires a great deal of preparation.  The ladder sits ready at all times, in the den and paintbrushes are at hand, for when “the spirit moves within me”.  I still need to buy geraniums and meanwhile, the grass grows.  I also had a birthday, this week.

Now, that I am older ( I turned 59)  birthdays are reflective events and very holy to me.  I do not like a lot of fanfare, but Mama did make a cake, and I was glad of that.  Kyle brought me flowers and someone tied balloons  on the lamp post.  I have been known to forget my birthday altogether, but am soon reminded, by loved ones.   

Mama really wanted to do something special and I was not much help, as to what.  I thought about my birthday this year and realised that my birthday really did not only belong to just  me-and I felt I was being selfish.  I thought of my parents, who were so very young, when I was born.  I am their first child, and I remembered how exciting and overwhelming that time is for parents.  I imagined the ruckus it must have caused.  I thought of my dear, great Aunt Virginia sewing the last stitches of the delicate gown, I would come home in. I imagined “Pop and Grandmama”  being in a state, as I was the first grandchild, born at the farm.  (my older cousins were born in Texas, and lived there).  The April morning, that I was born, I am quite sure, meant folks were stopping by to find out the news.  I bet Aunt Agnes brought a cake and I am certain Grandmama was  hanging clean linens on the line.  Thinking of  all this, it is no wonder, I felt selfish.   So I was glad to see my parents on my birthday.  It was a lovely sight to see Mama appear with a cake quite full of candles, as she sang “Happy Birthday”.  I tucked that picture in my heart.

As it turns out,  I had another celebration, which just sprang up.  Jenny was returning from Wilmington, and would be passing through this ” neck of the woods”.   The next thing I knew Mama was cooking our lunch.  Lyla wanted me to have balloons and more flowers- and so I enjoyed a “surprise party” of sorts, just a few days after my birthday.  

Today, there was yet another birthday to celebrate.  My Uncle Randy, daddys’ oldest brother turned 85 yesterday!  Mama, Daddy and I rode with “Miss Edie” to the home of Uncle Randy, an hour away.  My cousin Sheila, lives a “door down” from Uncle Randy and tends to all his needs. She is a loyal daughter, and I admire that.  She is also apt to laugh-and I like that too.  Miss Edie brought a cake and we stopped to buy ice cream.  After our arrival, we all chipped in for lunch.   First, second and little third cousins came in.   I noticed, that Uncle Randys’  great grandson, favored him quite a bit.  Oh I hoped he would have the same kind of heart, as Uncle Randy, too, for Uncle Randy is a tender and gentle uncle.

We all came home around mid afternoon.  Within minutes of me walking in the back door of the old farmhouse, I was up on the ladder, trying to finish the ceiling, I started a long while back.  On breaks, I straightened the pantry and then the closet in my bedroom.  Some how, I have a few more things to donate and another collection of trash.   I think seeing Uncle Randys’ success at downsizing, inspired me.

It has been a lovely day, mild and bright, though Miss Edie, said it would rain soon-her arthritis is never wrong, she says.  


Daddy and Uncle Randy




Uncle Randy in his youth


37 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Uncle Randy-and to Me too!

  1. Happy birthday, young’un! It sounds like wonderful celebrations came you way — I’m so happy that you had them to enjoy, and shared them with us. Balloons and cake always add to the festivity; it all sounds like great fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well …Happy Birthday my dear friend. If I had known you know there would have been at least a card but it sounds like you were well taken care of. Aren’t we blessed?And Bless Lyla’s heart…she just wanted balloons and to sing a happy birthday song for you.
    A little frost came here too but didn’t seem to hurt anything. Now more rain and possible storms are in for tonight and tomorrow.I don’t like night time storms. When you can’t see what is coming it gets kinda antsy. Of course with all the trees we can’t see much in the day either so we just pray for protection and hold our breath. Once you’ve been in a tornado you never take weather for granted.
    Have a good weekend what is left of it anyway. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy birthday! What a fantastic post! Thank you for letting us celebrate with you. I tend to forget my birthday, too, because mine is three days before Christmas. Isn’t it lovely that you and I have families that celebrate, no matter what?


  4. Happy birthday! 🎁🎂 and to your uncle. I don’t feel much like celebrating birthdays as I get older but then I know the children are looking forward to having cake so I give in. 😊 Good luck downsizing.


  5. Hi Michele. I loved reading your blog as always; you make me feel like I am right there with you. ❤ Glad you were shown some love on your birthday too. I can picture your mom and Lyla now. I am also glad that you guys got to visit Uncle Randy. I am determined to come that way this summer and see some family. I miss every one of you. Please let me know of any gatherings planned that I can crash! 🙂 Have a beautiful morning service and week. Let's trust for some lasting warmth to come soon!


  6. Happy birthday 🎉and to add one more reason to celebrate in April next week will be my birthday to😉
    I love the pic of uncle randy playing with the guitar,he looks like a singer ….somejohhny cash in him❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  7. A belated happy birthday, Michele, and to Uncle Randy as well!
    It brings joy to see brothers together.

    I shall take this quote with me: “I tucked that picture in my heart.”
    Don’t be surprised if you read it in one of my own posts!

    I agree, birthday’s needn’t be, perhaps shouldn’t be for ourselves alone.
    Before she went on ahead of me, I was always sure to tell my mother “Happy Birthday to you, too.” on the day I was born.
    It was, after all, a “day of birth” for her, too.

    All my best,


    Liked by 1 person

    1. As always, your comment is so welcomed. I love that you celebrated your mom on your birthday-makes perfect sense. Use the quote as you please-I am sure you tuck beauty in your heart on a regular basis. Also, I love reading your posts and am so excited when I see another “chapter”! thank you so much. best wishes to you-michele

      Liked by 1 person

  8. This post reminded me of how blessed are those who are raised with large, extended, loving families as you and i were. Yes, mine included a few black sheep and any number of eccentricities, but I felt loved by each and every one of my relatives. Once again, Michele, you writing has caused me to reflect on the happiness in both our lives. It also left me with an appetite for birthday cake and ice cream!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you dear friend-I think the different characters that make up a family are so helpful, often and they bring what they have to the table, too. It is such a blessing, all of the ways that love shows up love Michele

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  9. Belated happy birthday to you…I hope your day was wonderful and pray many more ahead for you to enjoy with your wonderful family. Have a beautiful week!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. oh, no worries, I miss many days in the blogosphere, we can’t be tied down to it, there is life to be lived outside!! Have a lovely week!

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