October is a Lovely Time

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A light rain was falling on Wednesday, in the hours before light.  It did not come as a surprise, for I had heard the forecast.  More than a few leaves will find their destiny, today.  The rain seemed to sing a lullaby and it was so very enticing.  Rain has been scarce at the rabbitpatch for a long while.  I have declared my affection for rain, countless times and so it took sheer willpower to go about the usual business.  

I believe, it all comes from growing up when I did –  and where I did.  Things were much slower then.  Work was harder with no end in sight, for the adults.  Children worked too, but our chores were reasonable, looking back – and besides we didn’t know any other way.  And even with chores, we had more time to play, than most children do now.

Rainy days meant everybody was close to the house.  It meant the kitchen stove was at full tilt and we were most likely to have a cake, after supper.  We cut paper dolls and my sister and I played dress up, with old pocketbooks and dresses, grandma kept in a chest . .  and looked at the World Book Encyclopedias. . .unhindered by any schedule.  Those were merry days.  . .and I remain glad for them.


Of course, it goes without saying, that I spent the first few days of the week, mourning the departure of my children and grandchildren.  There is just no remedy for that, but staying busy, doesn’t hurt.  After work, each day, I would clear one or two piles of branches, from the territory.  I am almost finished with the yard, but the little pasture, has not been touched.  Before the grandchildren, I would not have been able to think of anything else, except the pasture being littered with branches.  Now I wonder, why such things ever mattered so much.   . .or even at all.  Besides, I suspect the branches will wait, til the spirit moves me . . .as everything else does.  Not once, has dust scattered in my absence.


The rain fell  gently all day on Wednesday.  In the evening, the wind blew.  The October wind was brisk and there was a chill in it.  I had to put the windows down in the farmhouse and don my favorite winter robe.  The moon rose brightly shining  and it seemed a shame not to admire it, so I went out.  Leaves were flying  in the wind, now and then crossing the glowing moon.  There I stood, in the silver moonshine with that wild wind blowing and the dry leaves swirling  . . .for a long while.  October is a lovely time.b61e9c19d5d925933828131b67f89f91

Thursday dawned bright and with enough snap, to warrant a good sweater.  How lovely the drive to work is!  The sun is just rising over the woodland and sets the fields aflame  til a common field of soybeans looks like a golden sea and the ordinary swamp flowers are not so ordinary, in those first hours of light.   The woods are just a faded, watery shade of green, in the days before their glory and the wisps of mists, that hang over them,  makes them look even more hallowed.  The whole affair, of an October morning is like a silent hymn. . .sung tenderly and  felt deeply.

Jenny and I talked in the evening, as we usually do.  I was torn between spending the weekend in Elizabeth City or staying at home to tend to the sprawling house and territory at the rabbitpatch.  Every weekend for a month has held some sort of delightful obligation.   . .and the next few weekends, do too, so reluctantly, I decided it best to stay home.  I plan to cook and clean . . and maybe clear a bit of the pasture.   

I am looking forward to it,  though what a shame to spend any minute away from the grandchildren, who are determined to grow up before my very eyes!   . . and I agree with Lyla, under such circumstances, “a week is a long time.”

Friends of the rabbitpatch, know the joy that I derive from work.  I find it “therapeutic”, to use a current term. Physical work is also one of the best ways I know of, to find solutions to complicated matters and if need be, to heal.   Now, I am thankful for a job- (and my banker, son- in – heart,  Will declares, that I must always have one).  It is a beautiful thing, to have a paying job, that allows for fulfillment. . .but it is not the jobs that are meant to pay the electricity bill , and keep tires on the car, that I am writing about.  It is  work that is directly related to home and hearth-and whatever patch of earth you live on.  Rarely are any of the task  glamorous, nor scarce.   . .but  there is a reward, none the less . . .even if you are the only one that knows about it.




21 thoughts on “October is a Lovely Time

  1. You are so right. No one really cares that I have weeded the same flowerbed several times this year.
    And the hoop house has needed to be tightened up …again. Now I wish I had ordered enough seed to put in a fall garden ,but no . At order time I had no intention if a real garden. But the raised beds need something before they go to weed again.
    You have inspired me to start painting a room. I am embarrassed (sp) to say it never was finished the first time. Life just got in the way and farming took over.
    Our new baby girl is here. Madelyn Rose 7lbs 14 oz. and already home after only 24 hours. Goodness things have changed.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I must say this post kept me spellbound. Your writing is so lovely and soothing to the soul. My childhood was much like yours and those days were slower and easier and more relaxing than current days. Rain is always wonderful and it replenishes the earth. Grandchildren are the crown of old age – so precious. Have a wonderful week my friend.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I recently told someone that he should never retire. Always find something to occupy your mind and your hands and if there’s a financial reward for it, then all the better. I enjoyed your description of the rain. Rain can be a wonderful thing on some days if you just take advantage of it. Open the blinds, sit around the table with a cup of coffee and watch the rain and then later moved to a different room and watch the rain. You have a great day.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I totally understand about the satisfaction of work around your home. It does not pay well money wise but in satisfaction and fulfillment it cannot be beat.
    My husband and I have decided we will always try to stay busy. Life is so much better that way.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Stepping out into a breezy October night lit by the moon is such a seasonal pleasure. And I agree that having some work that ties us to our home and property is it’s own reward, as is the freedom to lean on a shovel and watch the birds and bunnies or to sit on the floor surrounded by old photos or greeting cards while cleaning out a drawer or closet. I think it’s the elective nature of such work and the freedom to do it in our time frame that makes it so different from a 9 to 5 job. So needless to say, when I have deadlines to get things done at home, it isn’t nearly as rewarding. The stress of deadlines changes everything. So why make them if they aren’t necessary? Enjoy your little ones Michele. Life is short.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. ” There I stood, in the silver moonshine with that wild wind blowing and the dry leaves swirling . . .for a long while. October is a lovely time.”

    I see you there.
    In spirit I am with you.
    It is a beautiful view.

    Seek peace,



  7. Oh I so agree about the beauty of “work!” It is indeed a special time, and I love my days when I can linger in the yard cleaning up this and that and just be out and about in nature. It is peaceful and healthy in so many ways. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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