Pumpkins and Seashells

I did not have to work today, for now schools here, have an ever so often, “remote day”.  I had dismantled every alarm and since rain was in the forecast, I had planned to sleep til at least dawn.  I woke as usual, long before sunrise.  I was wide awake right off and sprang out of bed like a rocket.  The world was dark and there was a constant breeze rattling the drying leaves on the old trees.  Not yet, has autumn bloomed here.  The woodlands have  only faded to a  dull green, thus far.  The days are as warm as April and only require a light sweater, in the early hours,  The windows are still up at the rabbitpatch.   
The time I spent with Ryan, pn my last visit, was hallowed to  me.  He is as delightful as ever and rarely cries.  We took a few strolls and I showed him the sky, til he would point it out to me.  A few of the maples were adorned in scarlet  and so I ended up with a maple leaf, to press in Ryans’ journal.   . .for of course I introduced him to the trees. There was also the moon, which he already knew about -and birds.  I would be hard pressed to name a more delightful moment, than when Ryans’ fair face is gazing in sheer wonder at the Handiwork of God.   
One day, we visited a pumpkin patch.  It was the biggest pumpkin patch that i had ever seen.  Rolling hills were covered with bright splashes of orange.  There was a corn maze and a hay ride-all sorts of activities, but we declined all of them.  Instead we walked by the corn field. Ryan loved the freedom of open air and open space to frolic in.  We left with pumpkins and blackberry sauce. . . and a wonderful memory. 
 Now the work week  went along, til it was Friday.  That was the day that Mama and I left to go see my sister, Delores and niece, Dana, at their beach house.   . . three hours away. 
The GPS on Mamas’ car  worked the first few hours, then the screen went blank and the thing started barking all sorts of bad directions.  Regular readers know this was a nightmare come true, for me.  Traffic was awful and convinced me everybody was late for something.  . . and had nine lives. I resorted to reading signs, like we used to and at long last, with a call or two to Delores, we made it.  It had taken us an hour longer, than expected.  Dana presented us with gifts as soon as we were settled and that took a lot of the sting out of our harrowing trip.  Dana is an artist in heart and so she made us bracelets.  Mine had a honeybee on it!
On Saturday, not long after breakfast, we went to the soft sands by the mighty Atlantic.  There were a few folks in the distance and the weather was perfect.  The ocean waves were gentle and lapped softly on the shore.  For a while we collected shells and neglected our books.   I collected shells for my friend, Elaine, for she is a devoted care giver for her husband and Miss Thelma.  Her outings are limited to appointments and grocery pick up.  I started making “pictures” with shells for  amusement and made several little birds.  Then we  all sat and talked, and neglected our books some more.  It is not often, the ocean seems drowsy and without constant churning, the water was a pure aqua color.  It was worth neglecting a book, to hear my Mama laugh by such a sea.   . .and to listen to my sisters’  hopes and dreams.   
Delores has a lovely house.  It is spacious and furnished beautifully.  If it were featured in a magazine, I would not be shocked.  Every bedroom has a large balcony and  so does the dining area and the living room.   Meals was prepared precisely.  Delores used measuring cups and spoons and timers- a far cry from my sloppy methods -and each meal was applauded.   
You probably know that Mama and I dreaded the trip back.  Delores had found some type of GPS on Mamas’ fancy phone and assured us it would be accurate.  Still, I had her at least tell me how to get off the island.  “Left, left, right, left”  I chanted as we drove away.  The homes there were all extravagant  and painted in every pastel, I could name . . but mostly empty of people.  When Mama and I got to the main roads, I kept a cautious eye on where we were, just in case -but the gps did chime in and relieved my concerns.  We were home at the predicted hour, as it turned out.   
For a while, the ocean was mine, and I had the sea shells to prove it.   I was part of a different world, where  there were no folks to ask me who I was voting for and covid was not a threat on the sandy shore.  The Atlantic was singing and shining for the world, no matter our transgressions against her, for “love keeps no record of wrongs.”  In these “unfamiliar days, of unfamiliar ways,  nature remains  as steadfast as the arms of a mother.  . . and like a mother, talks to us without   insincerity and without malice .   Even  a young pine knows that  . . .and an old sparrow, does too.




21 thoughts on “Pumpkins and Seashells

  1. Wonderful pictures! Time by the sea is always special. In Maine, the end of October is late fall. The leaves have mostly fallen. In the morning there is hard frost everywhere outside, and we must wear gloves as well as warm jackets. Quite different from where you live. In fact, hard to imagine. And that’s one of the joys of blogging—being introduced to the lovely diversity of the world.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely visit with you …of course. I’ll tell you a secret but you probably already figured out…I have never used a GPS…and for the record I recently read they mess with our brain and dull it. Maps make is think and remember where we are and where we are going. You know.. “they” have been dumbing is down for a long time. Just watch any news cast and you will see. lol
    My that boy is growing . Bless his heart…someday he will look back and remember Honey Bee told him about trees.
    You are such a good grand. Love you dear Rabbit.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I haven’t cried in a very long time but this brought tears to my eyes and a peace in my heart . I love the ocean and you made me feel like I was there briefly . I love you my dear friend .

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ryan is darling! I’m so glad you got to visit your sister and niece at the ocean, and take a break from the worries of Covid and the election. Everyone needs that! And thank you so very much for sharing yours with us!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. To open a child’s heart to Nature is one of the greatest gifts we bequeath our children. That is a beautiful little boy. Blessed he is to have a beautiful grandmother.

    I’m glad you had that time by the ocean. I certainly agree that its waters possess a divine healing power, much needed for these difficult times.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hope all is well in the warren, Michele.

    Your last paragraph is so beautiful, I am torn between awe and envy. You needn’t be told that all these sentiments ring true with me. Such a curious joy, reading words that sound like they came from my own heart.

    It seems there are some people that are waiting for beauty and joy to visit them, and others that know where to go and look for it, and pay a visit thence, like a good neighbor should.
    You are certainly the enlightened latter.

    “How much greater would you know
    The tiny seed, the quaking grass,
    If it were all the world?

    Consider the Sparrow,
    And how much greater is
    His knowledge than your own.”



    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know exactly what you mean about a writing that is so familiar, it seems like it came from you. I read your posts and declare you read my mind-yours however, are much more poetic but the content always make me feel like I “went home”. thank you my kindred friend.

      Liked by 1 person

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