Rabbitpatch Business

I suppose that I can say with  certainty, that spring has truly arrived at the rabbitpatch.  Barring some patchy frost,  a week ago,  the days have been fair and the sun generous, as of lately.  This is the earliest spring, that I  ever remember.  If it were up to me, I would declare Easter this week, for the dogwoods and azaleas are at last in bloom.  Jasmine and wisteria now drape the woodlands .   Pastures are green and the fields are planted.  How grateful I am for the landscape as it is very reassuring to me that “all is not lost”. . .and in fact, the best remains.  Maybe everyone could at least all  agree that a pot of geraniums is “a thing of beauty”. 
The anniversary of Daddys’ passing, was just after, I returned from Raleigh.  My sisters and I met at Mamas’ to spend a night or two together.  None of us could comprehend that Daddy left us a year ago. Grief is so complex, I think.  Often, I try to divert myself from heartbreak.  I will plant and mend and clean . . .just to let those details fill me.  Other times, I willingly rush headlong into the sorrow.   There is no “rhyme or reason” to grief.  I go from “acting almost saintly” to an awful disposition in  a flash!  I miss my father every day , that is all I can say, with certainty. 
On Saturday, I left for Elizabeth City.  I had not been in a while longer than usual.  Lyla is now six and  has lost her first tooth – both big milestones to this very sentimental “Honeybee”.  Brynn converses easily these days and is out of diapers!  She is two, and I am bewildered by that as well.  I  always say that time is the most precious commodity, we have and I declare it again, in light of the grandchildren.  Childhood is so very fleeting . . and I am so very greedy.  I just can not get my fill of these happy hours spent holding little hands.  . .so off I went, for a visit . . .and  walked right in to a “surprise party”!   
My birthday was on Sunday.    I knew that  Jenny would have a cake and the little girls would make cards -but what a shock to see Brant, Sydney and Ryan, Tres and Sarah standing in the kitchen, when I walked in!   
The next few days were spent swinging the grandchildren, watching Brant, Tres and Will play basketball and eating all sorts of good food.  I left with fine soaps, chocolates, a set of glasses with honeybees on them and sweet memories to tuck in my heart.  That was some birthday!  What a happy, peaceful  time . . . and so very brief. 
Since my return to the rabbitpatch, all sorts of business has  sprung up- complicated business, that demands “the wisdom of Solomon” to tend .  One after another, they all popped up like a row of daisies!  Each issue hinges on another, making it all the more complex.  The only one, I am at liberty to write about, is selling the rabbit patch.
  Daddy has been passed a year, and at last, I have mustered the gumption to spruce the place up and work towards my “little house” dream.  What sparked this was a call from from a realtor friend who had several clients looking for older homesteads.  This sounds promising and it inspired me to tidy the place . . just in case.  From there, other things happened. Now, we are all well, so no one should fret-and in time the “dust will settle”  This bit of chaos will smooth out like it ought to.  Remember, too, any business rattles me. 
I have noticed,  that when things “roll merrily along”, and make good sense to us, then, if we have a faith -we are all to happy to practice it.  Maybe we think, that  if we are good enough, surely we can expect blessings.  I am certainly in this habit . . but I stay on alert, not to be a “fair weather believer”.  When things do not make sense , or an outright calamity  descends-and most especially, without  any fault on my part . .THEN, is when I can truly get the  measure of my faith.  Just a day or so ago, I literally,  asked God aloud -“What are you doing?”   . .so I am often “found wanting” of genuine substance.  I always try to remember folks with circumstances more dire than mine . . but sometimes, I find myself too childish, to do so.  Once, I remember saying to God, “I am tired of thinking about starving children, to make myself feel better!”    (Now you see, how very far from good, I can be.)    I am so thankful for mercy, when I remember my many short comings.   Still, with my long lamentation, I have some good news.
All is not lost, even on folks like me, who behave poorly, at times.  I spent the days doing all sorts of chores. As I cleaned a very dirty barn, I went over the  many details of my circumstances.  As I worked in the “Quiet Garden”, getting scratched by thorns,  I considered the many scenarios of how things could unfold.  As I painted the garden benches,  I contemplated what to do next.  By the time I was watching a little fire burn in the garden,  I was tired and had exhausted myself mentally with all that thinking.    Now, God at long last had something to work with. 
I admitted, that I could not see a single solution clearly, and  how to proceed  was  still a mystery.   The bonds of vanity are stifling.  Somehow, I knew  that there was an intricate fabric being woven-my fabric and woven  by the Hand of God .   That beautiful “peace that passes understanding”  is very real and what liberty to not feel so responsible to resolve things that are out of my own feeble intellect. 
If it seems  to you that I exercised my faith as a last resort , you would be about right.   Since the onset, I had gone through  the motions of   praying and reciting  inspiring verses.  . .but  a fear was ever present .  I have always struggled with where my responsibility  ends with things .
Right now, the rabbitpatch is sorted out nicely.  The  tender blooms of the narcissus, lend their sweetness to the air.  I have seen two young rabbits and listened to a thousand songbirds.  The first rose has bloomed and the peach tree is full of promises.
To me, these things are miracles.  Though some people may live and declare they have never seen a miracle . . .I see them everyday.

29 thoughts on “Rabbitpatch Business

  1. Loved it reminds me of myself at times. I truly believe in miracles. I am one. God saved me back in October. I truly believed that I was going to die from that heart attack but God had other plans. I miss your dada lot. Also wanted to wish you happy birthday again. I love you and miss seeing you. Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. so good to hear from you-I miss you all too. You know I am hardly on fb anymore. It does not surprise me that God has more work foryou today-you lend more kindness to this world than most. Go well, my friend and God bless you. x Michele


  2. Birthday week hugs, Michele! Life is a gift! 💐🎂💐 I wish I could say missing our fathers gets easier with time, but it’s been 6+ years since Papa passed & I miss him every day. My heart is with you missing your father. And may God continue to bless you and the Rabbitpatch!! ✨🙏✨

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  3. Well belated Happy Birthday. God deals in mysterious ways his wonders to preform. Spring is a time of renewing. An anniversary of a loved one’s death is always hard to deal with. God bless you Michele.


  4. Glad to know your heart is still in awe of life´s daily ” Miracles”.
    It´s a rare gift nowadays, when hardships, pain and worries filled even the air we breathe.
    It´s a handicap which has no cure.
    I am happy that you can smile and look forward to better days.
    Happy Spring Michelle.
    Stay safe.


  5. Yes every day. I think no person can be truly happy until that person has gratitude. Cheers, Monica Ferrari

    Sent from my iPhone


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  6. How nice that your whole family was there for your birthday! And you’re right, grief takes time and it comes in odd ways. I’m glad to hear that there are possibilities for the rabbit patch to sell, and I wouldn’t be too hard on yourself for your lack of faith now and then. That is perfectly normal, and I do believe God understands….

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  7. There are miracles that happen every day. I do believe that saying about God being near to us in the garden. Perhaps, that is why the breath of spring gives us so much hope. It is hard not to be happy around green growing things, so full of wonder. We understand that God created each and every flower, and He created us…with all our fears, all our moods, all our idiosyncrasies. How wonderful to be loved just as we are, wilted or blooming, budding or fading. I understand your grief with your father. My father passed away thirty years ago, and yet, I miss him still. In quiet ways, he is always with me…safely tucked in my heart with a place just for him.

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  8. It sounds like you have a lot going on… and I can so identify with that Michele. I’ve had a few conversations myself with God… wanting to just have enough faith to just trust in what lies ahead …not wondering as much as I do.
    I hope everything works out for you… take care… Diane

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  9. Belated happy birthday wishes to you Michelle! It sounds like it was happy and heart-warming beyond words!!! I can certainly relate to your sentiments on faith and the ups and downs of our part in it. Thankfully God is always faithful in our “human-ness!” Blessings to you.💕

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  10. What a wonderful birthday, just perfect. I’m sorry you’ve been sad, anniversaries can be very tough. But you deal with it so well. I’m finding myself being grateful for every single day, something I had forgotten to do. Your posts always remind me to do that. Take care x x

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  11. I missed your birthday my friend. You and my daughter-in-law share a special day. I love your writing, your faith, and your wisdom. Through our sadness I still feel him, I’m faith, as we walk in the garden. Love and hugs my friend. 💛💚🤗

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