Sweet, Bright October Light


Lately, when a day ends, I declare its’ beauty and feel certain it is the “fairest of all”.  Then the next day unfolds, just as worthy as the one before it.  The sweet, bright light of October acts as a tonic and hinders any chance of weariness.  Nothing seems impossible under an October sky-in fact it is a good time for “wishful thinking”.

I managed to get in a short walk with Lyla yesterday, before I left for the rabbit patch.  Friendly people were working in their yards and a lot of people were walking their dogs.  The sunshine was brilliant and Lyla fell asleep before we got home.  I left before she woke up.  It is always bittersweet when I leave, but Will and Jenny had accomplished a lot in their house and yard-and Jenny had the kitchen smelling like supper, so all was well.

The drive home was pleasant.  Traffic was light and the drivers were well-mannered.   Conditions were just not favorable for discord of any sort, I thought.  October can soften a heart of stone, I believe- or at least make you think twice about Heaven. 

When I arrived back at the rabbit patch, the sun light was warming up the leaves that had fallen and the scent of autumn filled the air .  The boys weren’t home, but my favorite boxer, Cash welcomed me like a long- lost friend.  Even the wild kitten said hello, though it was with hesitation.  Christopher Robin put on airs and held a grudge until supper time . 

I always leave plenty of food cooked up for the boys when I go to Elizabeth City.  Mama sent food too and a cake.  It makes no difference to us that they are grown, we are convinced they may starve to death while I am gone.  There was no sign that a cake had ever been here, so I had some left overs in the quiet farm house as the sun was setting.  

I went out later to say goodnight- and to try taming the wild kitten, again.  There was less moonshine than the night before . The air felt brittle and likely to splinter if I made a sound, so I sat with a wild kitten in the scarce light of a late October moon-and I just loved everybody.

9 thoughts on “Sweet, Bright October Light

  1. October is such a beautiful month, except that it went by too fast!! Darn it SLOW DOWN. Cherish these last few days of October as we know that November will certainly bring in a change.
    It’s always so hard leaving family, but it makes ones heart at peace to see them happy and with their own growing family. Have a wonderful October day.


  2. October is an enchanting month. I’m spending the week with my husband in an old Victorian coastal town in Washington. The leaves have turned and the mariners winds are tossing them about. This will be our last getaway before the cold winter takes hold. Enjoy the last days of October. 🎃

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