One Quiet Evening


On Wednesday, I came home to the rabbit patch.  I had been in Elizabeth City just  a day, shy of a week.  The wild kitten ran to greet me and acted like a well-mannered house cat!  It was a lovely surprise, though Cash, my boxer seemed annoyed that he did not get there first.  I now know I will not name the wild kitten “Ruth” and must consider a fitting masculine name, instead.

There were more leaves on the rabbit patch territory.  I like the effect and so it did not bother me in the least.  I will have an autumn fire again this weekend, anyway.  That is the routine til after Thanksgiving, usually, when you live on a place like the rabbit patch.

On Friday evening,  Kyle and Christian had plans with friends.  The farmhouse seems bigger when they aren’t here.   I had a quiet evening.  There wasn’t even a fairy in sight and no one cared what was for supper. This was quite a contrast from the previous days and it took me a while to adjust to not seeing what Lyla had in her mouth or where she was jumping from, every few minutes.  No one being hungry,  seemed shocking enough. 

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and so I thought about that.  It is a favorite time for me.  I have not seen Brant, my oldest son, since late summer and I miss him terribly.  I have only seen Tres, my second oldest son, once since August-and I miss him too.  When your children grow up and are in the “work force” gathering for a holiday, is complicated, especially one that falls on a Thursday.  We have celebrated holidays on odd days because of that, sometimes.   I tried to plan the menu, but that depended on  who would be here.  There is just no reason to make the cranberry casserole if Tres isn’t here.  I do not need to mix the corn and beans for succotash, if Brant doesn’t come home and so I abandoned that endeavor as I just missed my sons all the more.

I read some more of a now favorite book.  Wills’ mom, our “Miss Claudia” and Lylas’ “CC” gave it to me.  It is by Jane Watson Hopping, known as “The Pioneer Lady“,  not to be confused with the “The Pioneer Woman” of today.  This book is a collection of all things Christmas.  The author , who died in 1998, reminds me so much of Gladys Taber,  another favorite author and  it cheered me.   At Christmas-all of my children do come home.  Cash and Christopher Robin dozed while I read.  The wild and nameless kitten, will only come in the back door to eat, for now.  I thought how I have never looked for a cat, but I always have one, it seems.

 I was quite glad for the company of Cash and Christopher Robin.  I continue to get comfortable with this “place” in life.  Since 1981, I have been raising children.  Christian, the youngest is twenty three and so for all of my adult life,  there has been somebody hungry and a lot of laundry.  It is different now.   Some times  I am still young-other times I am very old.  The odd thing is, I never saw this coming.

 I keep myself busy and study in lots of different areas.  At some point, I will study the cello and at another, water colors.  The truth is, I need to show my children what to do with this liberty,  that will also come to them when their children grow up or when someone retires.  A “mothers’ work”,  is truly never done.

The big dipper sits right over the old barn just now.  There are less leaves on the sycamores and oaks, so the sky itself seems bigger.  The stars seem twice the size that they were in September.  The constellations do not go unnoticed as they did a short while ago,   when there were millions of stars over the rabbit patch, but instead, stand out clearly.  The November moon is supposed to be of historical significance this year and I look forward to that.

There is a lot to consider on a quiet evening, as it turns out.  I have decided to make soup tomorrow and will then plan the “Sunday Dinner”.  There are  also chores to be done , a fire to build-  and I  need to figure out a name for the wild kitten, too.

23 thoughts on “One Quiet Evening

  1. Ohh Rabbit …. this is one of the most enjoyable blog posts. I was right there with you, from the first word. You talked and painted a scene which I saw illuminated inside my brain.
    I could smell the fires, taste the soup. Feel the cats fur. And … I felt that unique, all embracing feeling that only a mother can get when she feels that her child might be missing from an important occasion or celebration.

    That ache from the heart, edged with a sadness which comes from the knowledge that your child has grown up and has a life of their own, and we mothers have to let go of those beautiful threads we hang onto. To let our child go out into the world, hoping that nothing will hurt or harm them, and that they’ll come back to us because they want to.

    A truly beautiful post. I love it.
    Thank you Rabbit, for the chance to peep inside the world which is your life.
    ~ Cobs. x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. how sweet and you are so understanding. I have really struggled and am very sure I am alittle “crazy” after all. I wanted my kids to be independent and worked hard so that they could-now they are and I miss them still-They are wonderful and visit often . I am just so sentimental. Thank God for Lyla and my writing-and little wild kittens! haha! you are so dear to me-Thank you so much!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Really beautiful post, but it certainly hugged hard on my heart ❤️. My baby is 42, I keep wondering when did that happen. I don’t understand why time is in such a hurry! It was only yesterday my grands were Lydia’s age. Now the oldest one is 15 and youngest is 8. Don’t blink or the same thing will happen to you!!! I must say I cherished every moment and it still flew by!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I love that line ‘some times I am still young – other times I am very old’. I think we all feel like that but, like you, never saw it coming! When I see my age beside my name I am always taken by surprise and think ‘really? Are they sure?’

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sounds like you are a few steps ahead of me… I try to savor the every-days with my Little Bit. The time passes like a freight train stuck on full throttle. All I want is for it to sssslllooooowwwww down. One day I know he’ll be grown and these adventures will have passed. Oh that makes my heart ache. Hugs to you as you miss your boys. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. a few steps or a few decades!haha! I know you are on the right path-and trust me that I am a bit “crazy” about my kids. Thank goodness for my normal friends that guide me! I am making progress. Thank you my sweet friend!


    1. thank you and you are so right. I realise that my kids have gotten old enough now to worry about me-hence the downsizing plan. I have to figure this “time” out for me-and for them too. Wish me well, please. I have made good progress-Thanking God for Lyla and friends a lot these days.

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  5. It is a bit of a challenge to find a new purpose once our kids are grown, and it’s fun to think of all the possibilities that having a bit of free time brings. But I never thought of it before as a continuation of my role as a mom: modeling for them how we cope with a new phase of our life and how we can be productive with our free time. Thanks for that perspective!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. believe me, I didn’t either at first! They have now gotten old enough to have concerns for me-that is why I am downsizing-because they are right. Made me start thinking that is important that I show them how to change with the seasons and remain joyful. Thank you!


  6. It IS hard to be a mom of grown children. I love when my sons and their families come home. It is very busy but such a good busy. I totally understand the logic of making certain food or not making it depending on who comes home. I have one son who loves peach crisp….if he isn’t here, there is no reason to make it. Another loves cream cheese bars and another loves anything chocolate.
    I had not thought of the fact that we are still teaching our children by the way we fill our hours once they have moved out… are so right on that! I will have to do a little pondering on what I want them to see are my priorities in life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If anybody is setting a good example of how to live life-it is you. I am just trying not to be “crazy”. I cry when they are out of the drive way! haha! I am making progress-but it is a whole new way of life. Lyla has made a huge difference-God is so good and comforts me in beautiful ways! thank you!

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