It Happened on Wednesday

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The last few days have seemed like a winter prelude.  A cold chilling rain has fallen for the last few days-today, all the day long.  Lamps burn in odd day time hours and “winter clothes”  have been retrieved from closets.  It is the time to build a fire-and tend it for long periods of time.  The trees are all but bare and look  black in the dim light of day.  The landscape has changed and no longer bids  us to spend the afternoon outside, but for a winter walk.   Now, more than ever home and hearth seem to mean more, than they do in months like June.

Wednesday,  was the annual,  grand shopping spree for us.  Mama. my sisters, my niece and I spent a day together , for Christmas.  This was our seventeenth venture.  It is the only day of the year, that I shop all day.  I do not have the heart of a shopper.  In fact, I am more inclined to make do with what I have and live as simply as I can. . . but it is Christmas, after all, and that changes everything.   I do shop a bit all year long for the holiday and therefore avoid many worrisome details.  My own children and I, also have always kept Christmas small and personal.  Our gifts are things like  bars of fancy soaps, fine coffees, books, art and writing supplies-and always guitar strings for Christian.    When I go to Wilmington, I am always noting what is NOT in the kitchens, and ought to be.  I take stock of linens and towels too, for my children will never ask for anything.  They are a grateful lot and that for me means more than anything under the tree.  We do indulge ourselves with lavish meals that take all day to cook and all sorts of holiday fare.  In that way, we are extravagant.

Connie always drives Mama and I to the destination, that day.  Connie is a much more capable driver, than me and she has the vehicles to support our purchases.  We left not long after eight and met Delores, who drives from Raleigh, at a midway city.  At the first store, I found exactly what I had wanted to get Tres .  At another store, I found exactly what I had wanted for Will.  Since, my family is loyal to the “Rabbit Patch Diary”,  I can not go in to further detail, but “suffice it  to say”  I was quite satisfied at the end of the day.

Just before noon, that day ,we had been to several stores.  My niece, Hayley and I had been hungry a good while, as we neither had the good sense to eat breakfast.   When Connie called it “lunch time”, we did not complain.  Lunch provided us all the fortitude we needed for the “second shift”.  I must applaud Mama for her gallant effort.  I knew her knees had to be bothering her, but she did not complain one iota.   Delores, who could be a professional shopper, and I am quite serious -had discount cards for every store  we went to, and allowed all of us to take advantage of that.  Mama and Delores like to look at clothes, and did so wherever we landed.  Connie and I like dishes, though I remained stalwart and did not bring another pretty  dish back to the rabbit patch. (I have not yet forgotten the weeks of decluttering in July.)  Hayley and I like books and art supplies.  Hayley loves make up, too-I can barely apply  cold cream.  I bought chocolate as I always do, around mid afternoon.  We pass it around and find the will to finish.

It had been dark a while, when we got home.  Everybody has to call Mama when they walk in their back door, to let her know, we all arrived safely.  I thought it must have been time to go to bed, but come to find out, it was just past six pm!  

The “Christmas closet” in the farmhouse, holds more secrets now, than it did, before Wednesday.   . .and I have another memory to add to my collection of things I want to remember .  . .and it happened on Wednesday. 


23 thoughts on “It Happened on Wednesday

  1. Do make a note of your memory because one day you might forget to remember. It happens…believe me I know. You are brave to go shopping even with the tradition . I don’t like shopping but my sister enjoys it way more than she should. LOL Of course she lives where there is more than Walmart…we don’t without traveling a bit. I am just too comfortable at home I guess. I have always been a crafter and most of my gifts are of the homemade kind. Sometimes they are grand creative things …sometimes no so.
    Today we woke to a beautiful snow…that we were not expecting. Those are the best kinds and now it is slowly going away..That is another best kind…short lived.
    Christmas will arrive on time even if we aren’t ready and since son #3 has to go back on on the 20th it will arrive a little earlier at his house. Flexability is the norm these days.
    I do enjoy keeping up with happenings at the rabbit patch. Enjoy the weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good to read about your day and the shopping. I remember the years when I shopped all years long for Christmas. Now that all the kids, nieces and nephews are grown and graduated, some got married, I have less shopping for Christmas. The grown-up kids have their preferences that make my shopping easier!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sounds like you had a lovely trip excursion ….Food shopping and I don’t agree… but my husband doesn’t mind and actually enjoys doing it… I on the other hand find shopping for gifts etc. or things for the home, more enjoyable. I can’t say my legs and back enjoy it quite as much, and so that is what my gauge is for when it’s time to go home…. Diane

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve always loved Christmas shopping. Otherwise, I’d prefer never to shop one bit, although I don’t mind the grocery store. I don’t understand people who say, “I hate shopping. I never know what to get for someone.” My problem is the opposite. I always have ideas galore. It’s the reducing their number and fitting them into a budget that’s the trick!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Michele, what a lovely day. I loved hearing how the winter weather is wrapping around you all… we received our first bigger snow of the season last night. My children were very excited, especially my 8 yo, Ella. Today we are off to get our Christmas tree! Excited!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I loved the account of your family shopping trip. I dislike shopping, but going out with others who are pros would be fun. I ordered my husband’s Christmas gift on line today and am plodding toward Christmas with a merrier spirit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Only Christmas shopping for me-and then not in a state of panic. This trip is more about being together, really. After today, with the tour, I hope to decorate. I hope your spirit is always “merry and bright”. thank you-love Michele


  7. Ohhh what a truly fabulous post from my fabulous Rabbit!
    I love this type of shopping – be it with friends or family. It makes it so much more magical when you have someone to share it with, and you can keep each others spirits up, which just makes the whole process fantastical. Your worn out by the end of the day, but somehow that just makes it even more magically fantastical!

    I have loved every word of this post, dearest Rabbit. You seemed to send out an invitation for me to join you on your day, and your words took me along with you. I window shopped in the same stores you bought in, and watched as the girls got excited about this dress or that skirt. I smiled warmly at mama and her aching knees, and linked arms with her and helped her along, giggling and gently teasing her about what it was which had made her knees ache so much … asking her if it was the result of chasing men off when she was a young thing as they all tried to impress her and catch her eye.

    And then, you’d bought all your gifts and it was time for the journey home.

    I’m thrilled to hear of the Christmas Closet, it has it’s own, secret, brand of magic inside there. 😀

    Write your memories down, dear Rabbit, for they can eventually blur, then the edges fuzz out a little, and then the joy leaks out of them a little bit. Write them down in a journal or diary. Make sure you date it with the day and year, so that when you yourself, in many years yet to come, find yourself shopping with creaky knees, you’ll know exactly why that is, and how the most wonderful things caused those creaks.

    Sending you much love and thanking you for sharing your memories of this day. It’s bought a warm, rosy glowing smile to my heart.
    God Bless you.
    love ~ ❤ Cobs. xxx 🌲


  8. What a great day for you and your loved ones — even for those not with you based on the success you had shopping. I’m not a shopper either, but I would love to have a day like you did with my sisters and any others wanting to come along. You tradition of buying chocolate in the afternoon to keep up everyone’s energy and spirit is a marvelous idea.

    Liked by 1 person

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